Mickoski: It is high time for DUI to go into opposition after two decades


We have stated our position many times and it has not changed, namely that we expect a change in the composition of the Government, that is, 20 years of DUI’s presence in the government is too long a period. Others should be given the opportunity, said the leader of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski in an interview with Alsat-M.

The opposition leader points out that the “consolidated group” of politicians and political subjects who will oppose DUI in the next elections will achieve a good result.

“At least this is what our analyzes say. I think that those few in the leadership of DUI after the next general elections will be unpleasantly surprised by the result and I appreciate that the number of MPs of that consolidated bloc among the Albanians in Macedonia, along with the other ethnic communities, can make up a Badenter majority in the Parliament,” said Mickoski.

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