Aerodrom residents sent the 45th Ilinden Cavalry to Krushevo


With traditional Macedonian music and a rich cultural and artistic program, the resident of the Aerodrom Municipality sent the participants of this year’s Ilinden Cavalry en masse to Krushevo on Thursday. This year, organized by the association, “Ilinden Equestrian March 1978” from Gorno Lisiche and for the 45th time in a row, about 30 riders headed to the renowned Krushevo and Mechkin Kamen, where on August 2nd the Republic Day will be celebrated and the 120- the anniversary of the Ilinden Uprising.

The march and parade of the cavalry started from the Jane Sandanski park, where the participants were given the flag of the Aerodrom Municipality, and the central manifestation for the send-off and the liturgy were held in the church of “St. Peter and Paul” in Gorno Lisiche.

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