Gashi expects many more of the DUI top to be blacklisted by the United States


The leader of Macedonian-Albanian party Alternativa, Afrim Gashi, in an interview with regarding the fight against corruption and the way out of the bad situation, believes that a complete redefinition of the justice system is needed under the auspices of the legal institutions of the United States and the European Union. Gashi expects many more of the DUI top brass to be blacklisted by the U.S. State Department.

“Judging by our information about DUI’s connection to corruption, there should be many more from the very top of DUI on that blacklist, who seriously deserve it. In fact, for the Albanian voter, they have been on corruption and crime lists for a long time, although they successfully hid and protected themselves, and whether the USA will put them on its list as well, I cannot prejudge. But the fact that their mayor is on that list speaks volumes about what kind of party we are talking about ,” Gashi said.


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