The new mega-scandal in Macedonian diplomacy is the result of the disastrous staff policy, says opposition


Another mega scandal in Macedonian diplomacy that shook the public these days is the result of Macedonia’s disastrous personnel policy in terms of diplomacy and international relations, Blagica Lasovska from the ranks of VMRO-DPMNE told a press conference on Monday.

“Nikola Dimitrov’s personal friend, and especially close to President Pendarovski and the ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to Japan and to Bujar Osmani, Goran Cekov, committed sexual harassment against several women, for which he was reported several times! The alarm was raised by the Japanese citizen who reported Cekov on several occasions, but what is even more disturbing is that the same ambassador sexually assaulted his colleague from the DCP in Japan at the same time, for whom the MFA was alerted several times, but no one took any action. Even more shocking is the fact that the ambassador was sent back to the country, but he will only be punished by being sent back! In serious countries where anti-state entities such as SDS and DUI do not rule, such a serious crime is at least punished by revocation of the ambassadorial title, termination of employment in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, resignation of the minister and hierarchical punishments for all those who remained silent for three months about the assault on women!” Lasovska pointed out.

“According to legal regulations, sexual harassment is a crime. Instead of just being sent back, this man should be held criminally accountable. The fight against sexual harassment against women must be non-selective and cover every segment of society,” Lasovska stressed.



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