Kavadarci to get a nursing home – MLSP will pay for 50 beds, the Municipality for additional 30 beds


Kavadarci will receive a nursing home as a public institution, Mayor Mitko Janchev informed Thursday, during a session of the Municipal Council.

“We are in the middle of negotiations with the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy (MLSP) and the Association of Pensioners. The land has been taken into permanent use and will have two buildings. One will be a nursing home, a public, not a private, institution. The second one will be built by the pensioners from their own funds, for daily needs, an activity hall, a dancing hall,” said the Kavadarci mayor.

The plan is for the Ministry and the Municipality to plan financial resources for this purpose, and for the local self-government to participate in them.

“The Ministry will finance up to 50 beds. Our home is designed for about 80 beds, so for the remaining 30 beds, the Municipality will come in with its own funds,” added Janchev.

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