Macedonia and the citizens demand snap elections, they have no confidence in the Government and this is evident in the polls, says Stoilkovski


Macedonia and its citizens demand snap elections, it can be seen in the polls, there is no trust in the Government and the country is headed in the wrong direction. The economic, educational and every aspect of the situation is simply unsustainable, and every day with crime and corruption take us further away from the EU, says VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson Naum Stoilkovski, asked why VMRO-DPMNE insists on snap elections.

Stoilkovski points out that the Government does not have the necessary majority for constitutional amendments and that their daily rhetoric is only a tactic for them to buy time, for them to stay in power for just one more day and for the snap elections to become temporally irrelevant, while Macedonia is sinking into deeper and deeper crises on daily basis.

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