“A cat got Kovachevski’s tongue” – Sofia appropriates Ilinden, while Kovachevski convinces everyone that the constitutional amendments are the last obstacle


Kovachevski, Marichikj, and Osmani really embarrassed themselves on this year’s Ilinden.They celebrated it without mentioning that it is a Macedonian holiday and abused it to convince the people that the constitutional amendments are a good thing, despite that 80% of the people are against them, VMRO-DPMNE reacted in a press release on Friday.

“Instead of wasting their energy on humiliating their own people, they should have reacted to the messages coming from Sofia. Why Kovachevski, Marichikj, and Osmani remained silent about the celebration in Sofia, where the highest Bulgarian political representatives appropriated the Ilinden Uprising? Even worse, the Bulgarian PM Denkov completely distorted the ideal of the Ilinden Uprising, claiming that its ultimate goal was to annex Macedonia to the Bulgarian state”, reads VMRO-DPMNE’s reaction.


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