Crisis headquarters of Skopje municipalities ready to intervene after rainstorm, phone numbers for reporting damage activated


Heavy rain, wind and thunderstorms affected Skopje and the Skopje valley this afternoon. The Administration for Hydrometeorological Affairs (UMHR) warns that storms with intense rain in a short time, strong wind, more intense electrical discharges and conditions for the occurrence of hail will also be present during the night hours.

The mayors of some of the Skopje municipalities announced that crisis headquarters and teams have been formed and are ready to intervene in case of damage or flooding.

“The municipal crisis headquarters, along with the services are prepared on the ground in case of damages or floods. We are in constant communication with CMC, Ministry of Interior, EVN and all concerned institutions with whom we will intervene together if necessary. Throughout the night, the two numbers that you can contact to report a problem will be available: +389 78207687, +389 71391250,” informed the mayor of Kisela Voda Municipality, Orce Gjorgjievski.

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