The manifesto is late and redundant, and history must not be a subject of the Negotiating Framework, says Gjorchev


We as a candidate country, without having started negotiations with the EU, have the right to consider that this proposal of the European Union is indecent, harmful to Macedonia in terms of its national and state interests, former ambassador Marjan Gjorchev told Kanal 5 TV.

Gjorchev stresses that international cooperation is necessary, but our views are known that for culture, for history, we should be consistent with everyone, but discussion about that cannot be a subject.

“Clearly, these are pointless debates. How can a country guarantee that there will be no more debate about history. History must not be a subject in the Negotiating Framework, as neither education nor culture can be, and all those provisions are in the Agreement with Bulgaria and are in some way contradictory to the standards for accession to the EU,” says Gjorchev.

The former ambassador adds that European integration is a process in which cosmopolitanism, supranational politics are important, but this should not be at the price of something that represents science, collective memory and giving up the education of future generations.


We as a candidate country, without having started negotiations with the EU, have the right to consider that this proposal of the European Union is indecent, harmful to Macedonia in terms of its national and state interests, former ambassador Marjan Gjorchev told Kanal 5 TV.

Gjorchev stresses that international cooperation is necessary, but our views are known that for culture, for history, we should be consistent with everyone, but discussion about that cannot be a subject.

“Clearly, these are pointless debates. How can a country guarantee that there will be no more debate about history. History must not be a subject in the Negotiating Framework, as neither education nor culture can be, and all those provisions are in the Agreement with Bulgaria and are in some way contradictory to the standards for accession to the EU,” says Gjorchev.

The former ambassador adds that European integration is a process in which cosmopolitanism, supranational politics are important, but this should not be at the price of something that represents science, collective memory and giving up the education of future generations.

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