Besa Movement does not feel any responsibility for the “Greater Albania” flag


The deputy leader of the ethnic Albanian political party the Besa Movement, Blerim Sejdiu said on Tuesday that the party won’t accept responsibility for what was happening in the audience during the private visit of the Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti to Tetovo and Skopje.

When asked whether it was acceptable for the Besa Movement to wave a flag with a map of the so-called Greater Albania, Sejdiu said that they won’t take responsibility for the audience’s behavior. On the other hand, a photo with this flag was found on the Facebook account of the party leader and Tetovo mayor Billal Kasami.

“The Kosovo Prime Minister was welcomed in Tetovo with all state flags and legal procedures, there are also photos and footage and everyone can see them. We are not responsible for what happened in the audience. All the reactions of the state leadership were for the audience and not for the welcome of Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti. He was welcomed according to all legal procedures,” said Sejdiu.

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