Under Bulgarian pressure, SDS retreated from the Ilinden Declaration, signed only by 17 MPs, says opposition


SDS and Dimitar Kovachevski backed out from the Ilinden declaration, signed only by 17 MPs, they remain silent under pressure from Bulgaria. They are also silent to the Bulgarians about the Ilinden declaration, which evaporated under pressure from Bulgaria. From the declaration submitted to the Parliament, it can be seen that only 17 MPs from the government have signed it, of which 16 are from SDS and only one coalition partner, the other coalition partners of SDS and DUI are not present.

SDS and Kovachevski have not mentioned the declaration they pompously announced for days. Does the government have to keep quiet because of the pressure from Bulgaria? The SDSM hypocrisy has come to the surface, opposition party VMRO-DPMNE said in a press release on Tuesday.

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