No Macedonian universities on the Shanghai Ranking Consultancy this year as well


Again this year in the academic ranking of world universities, the so-called In the Shanghai Ranking Consultancy, there is not one from Macedonia among the first thousand universities in the world. Harvard, Stanford and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) are still at the top. “Saints Cyril and Methodius” University is the highest ranked among Macedonian higher education institutions, but from year to year with an increasingly worse ranking – 2021 at 1,917th place, 2022 at 1,944th place and at 1,964th place in 2023.
Among the universities in the region, only Belgrade University improved its position, the universities in Zagreb and Novi Sad remained on the same positions as the last year.
The Shanghai Ranking Consultancy is informal but is the most prominent global ranking of universities.

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