Lefkov: Xhaferi plays the role of the government’s savior, violating legal acts and procedures


In violation of the Parlriament’s Rules of Procedure, Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi delayed the voting at Friday’s plenary session dedicated to the constitutional amendments. According to the Rules of Procedure, the voting had to take place immediately upon the completion of the debate, because there was a quorum for voting, VMRO-DPMNE MP Mile Lefkov said on Monday.

“Xhaferi applied Article 165, Item 1 of the Rule of Procedure, despite that this article applies to amendments to laws, not the Constitution, for which there is a separate chapter in the Rules of Procedures. Xhaferi should have applied articles 95 and 96 of the Rules, according to which voting for constitutional amendments cannot be delayed if the necessary quorum is present. Talat Xhaferi deliberately violated the Parliament’s Rules of Procedure, to allow the ruling parties to stay in power for a few more days”, Lefkov added.

Xhaferi, VMRO-DPMNE’s MP added, played the role of the government’s savior by violating positive acts and procedures.

“We urge Talat Xhaferi to come to his senses and put the constitutional amendments to a vote. The longer the Government is artificially maintained, the worse it will be for Macedonia, but also the more difficult their defeat will be,” said Lefkov.


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