Mickoski meets Ambassador Drexler: Government has no support for constitutional changes, neither from VMRO-DPMNE, nor the citizens, the best solution to the impasse is snap elections


The leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, accompanied by the deputy party leader and Member of Parliament Aleksandar Nikoloski, held a meeting with the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Petra Drexler. At the meeting, they discussed the current political situation and the European integration process of the country.

Mickoski informed Ambassador Drexler about the current political situation in the country and that the Government knowingly violates the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament by not putting the constitutional amendments to a vote, because there is not a two-thirds majority, and this was confirmed at the Parliament session, when after the end instead of putting the item to a vote, it was suspended.

The opposition leader once again affirmed the party’s position that they will not support constitutional amendments under Bulgarian dictate and that bilateral issues must not be a condition for the start of EU negotiations.

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