New rules for obtaining an ID card, amendments to the law to be voted in Parliament


Nine articles of the law on the issuance of an identity card are being changed. On Tuesday, the Parliament adopted the proposal for the amendments to the law to be adopted after a shortened procedure, after which the committees will consider it and it will be put to a vote before the MPs.

Article 8 of the law would be revised with these amendments, whereby it is stipulated that if the citizen changes the place of residence or the data from the identity card, in that case, within 15 days, they must request a change of place of residence and the issuance of a new identity card, and it is necessary for the citizen to attach a document proving the change.

For the extension of the ID card, from now on, citizens who have changed their place of residence will have to bring a property certificate to the police, and for the change of other data, appropriate evidence, provided for by the amendments to the ID Card Law.

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