Textile sector with reduced orders from partners


Reduced orders from foreign partners in the textile sector. So far no one knows why this is happening. But Angel Dimitrov from the Organization of Employers says that the end of September will be decisive for many domestic confections. Foreign partners are leaving the country and instead of us, orders intended for the European market end up in the countries of the Far East. After the pandemic, ie last year, Macedonian companies had a lot of pressure from orders from foreign companies, which want to produce on the European continent. Dimitrov suspects that the current situation with reduced orders is due to the fact that last year the Macedonian clothing industry could not meet the needs of foreign partners due to the lack of a sufficient number of textile workers.

“Both Bulgaria and Macedonia, as well as Serbia faced the problem of finding labor because young people do not want to work in this sector and they all refused such offers from European brands. Most likely, my guess is that this is why the big European brands went to the Far East. The partner for whom we worked took all the goods that we could not take over to Bangladesh and works there, where they still have a young workforce that can be involved in the process,” said Dimitrov.


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