Bojchevski: Healthcare workers cannot survive on these wages


Bobby Bojchevski, national coordinator in the Independent Union of Healthcare Workers for Radio Free Europe claims that there are no party influences in the announcement of protests.

They also demand that the case of resale of the premises from the Oncology Clinic be resolved immediately, which was discovered after a nurse spoke up.

“The first request is to raise the salary by 30 percent for all healthcare workers, from administrative staff to doctors. The second is about the collective agreement because this agreement that is currently in place is the worst in the history that exists in the health system, benefited seniority for people who work in X-ray institutes and psychiatric hospitals,” Bojchevski said.

He adds that it is one of the requests to increase the coefficient for the large number of young experts who work under contract, who work full time and receive compensation of only less than 350 euros.

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