National Network to End Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence demands the harshest punishment for the Kochani murderer


The National Network to End Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence demands the harshest punishment for the perpetrator of the murder in Kochani that happened two days ago, when a man inflicted 40 stab wounds to his former partner, killing her instantly.

The National Network also recalls a double murder in Kumanovo, when a husband killed his wife and her mother, and then committed suicide, which along with the case in Kochani, are three femicides committed in one month, which were preceded by years of domestic violence that were reported to the police.

“We request that a procedure be initiated to investigate the responsibility of the officials, in connection with the two cases, who did not act in a timely manner and whose unprofessional work led to the death of three women. We expect the officials to be properly sanctioned,” the National Network stressed.


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