Ivanovska demands that the new State Commission for the Prevention of Corruption members be elected on time


The term of the current members of the State Commission for the Prevention of Corruption (SCPC) expires on February 7, 2024, and according to the law they do not have the right to re-election, nor to the extension of their mandate until the election of a new Commission, said the head of the State Commission for the Prevention of Corruption (SCPC) Biljana Ivanovska, asked by the media at the annual “Tekstilijada” held in Shtip.

Ivanovska pointed out that this meant the new Commission should start working from the next day, February 8, 2024.

“According to the Law, the selection process for new members of the Commission should begin three months before the end of the mandate, and we shared this with the Commission for Selection and Appointment in the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia. We talked with them and pointed out that the Law provided enough time for three months and in time to start the procedure, so that the institution would not be in a situation without a Commission,” said Ivanovska.

She pointed out that if they do not elect new members of the SCPC on time, it will be a bad signal not only for the citizens and the international community, but also because next year there will be presidential and general elections in the country.


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