Poll: SDSM dropped to third place, VMRO-DPMNE with by far the highest rating


In a poll commissioned by MKD.mk, a quarter of respondents said that in the next elections they will vote for the political party VMRO-DPMNE (25.1%), followed by DUI with 9.7%, SDSM with 9.5% and Levica with 7 ,1%.

The biggest change in voter confidence is with the SDSM party, where the percentage of respondents who declared that they would vote for this party dropped from 12.4% in February to 9.5% in September 2023.

More than half of the respondents believe that none of the existing parties has the capacity to implement the best economic program. However, most of the citizens have confidence that VMRO-DPMNE can do it.

The survey was conducted from September 18 to 25, 2023 using the CATI method – telephone survey with the help of a computer on a sample of 1200 respondents with a confidence interval of 95% and a margin of error of 3%.

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