VMRO-DPMNE will not boycott the presidential elections, we will win convincingly, says Mickoski


VMRO-DPMNE enters these elections as the favorite and I have said on several occasions that the VMRO-DPMNE candidate will defeat the candidate of DUI and SDS by approximately 100,000 votes in the first round. There is no need to boycott them, the other question is what are the challenges that Macedonia will face in the following period, which are related to that electoral process and the general elections, said VMRO-DPMNE leader HristijanMickoski in an interview with Radio Leader.

“It is very important how we will organize ourselves and how we will organize the state because we are 4 months away from the election campaign, we must finish with the presidential elections in April. If that process is successful, there should be a president on May 12. In principle, the second round should end two weeks earlier, which means that the second round should end on April 28 at the latest,” Mickoski said.

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