UPOZ protest: Wages should be increased as much as the officials’ wage increase, by 78 percent


The employees of the Public Prosecutor’s Office went out to protest today and are demanding a 78 percent salary increase, that is, by as much as the officials’ salaries have been increased. They also have full support from the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia (SSM).
More than 300 employees and members of the Union of Administration, Judiciary and Citizens’ Associations (UPOZ) out of a total of 390 in the Public Prosecutor’s Offices, who are on strike for an increase in their salaries and the return of salary supplements, today took to the streets in protest together with the Union of the UPOZ.
Dissatisfaction is great, and the workers are looking for the same things that the officials already have.
The Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia (SSM) offers unreserved support to the workers!

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