Von der Leyen should come up with a position for the unconditional start of Macedonia’s negotiations with the EU


The leader of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski believes that the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen should say that Macedonia will unconditionally start negotiations with the European Union during her visit to Skopje on Monday. Mickoski said that this was the least she can do to show respect to the Macedonian people.
“I expect the president of the European Commission to come out with a position that Macedonia will get an unconditional start to the negotiations with the EU, although I am aware of the many shortcomings that we have domestically due to the corrupt government. In that way, recognition will be given to the citizens and the state for the past 23 years, from the first time we signed the Stabilization Agreement, and it will pay respect to all the humiliations endured by the Macedonian people. I expect her to give such recognition, to pleasantly surprise us. And if she respects this people even a bit, she should do this,” Mickoski said.

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