Veljanovski: Amnesty Law is unconstitutional because it doesn’t’ apply equally to persons who were convicted for a crime they did not commit on April 27, 2017


The destinies of people in prisons were played with in Parliament. Some of the MPs from the Government voted for the law, and some against it, said VMRO-DPMNE MP Aleksandar Veljanovski, after the amnesty law was not passed on Thursday.

Veljanovski says that this is already the third law on amnesty in almost seven years of SDS and DUI’s rule, pointing out that this derogates the judicial authority.

“This is the third attempt in the rule of SDS and DUI, and for me this is a derogation of the judicial authority and an annulment of the work of judges and prosecutors, he added. According to him, the Law is unconstitutional because it does not include persons convicted on April 27 for a crime they did not commit, and who are treated in inhumane conditions,” added the opposition MP.


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