Mickoski: We have indications that what is happening at the Oncology clinic  is also the case at other clinics, the cancer mafia must be put to an end


During his visit to Prilep on Saturday, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski referred to the Oncology case or the scandal dubbed “Proud Flesh”, pointing out that institutions such as the University Clinic for Radiotherapy and Oncology and the Ministry of Health, not only do not act on the findings of the State Audit, but the irregularities they only deepen.

‘We have indications that what is happening at the Oncology Clinic is also happening at other clinics,” Mickoski said during his visit to Prilep, as part of the “It’s important! Changes depend on you!” campaign.

Opposition leader Mickoski informs that findings are being investigated for both the Oncology Clinic and other clinics.

“We are investigating and we will soon go public about it. The cancer mafia must be put to an end,” Mickoski added.



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