There will be an Albanian PM before the elections, and maybe after the elections, it all depends on reaching consensus, says Xhaferi


The country is expecting two election cycles in 2024 – presidential and parliamentary elections, and this will allow the Government to be headed by an Albanian prime minister for the first time, said the Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi in an interview with TV1, the Albanian language Illyria-INA news agency reports.

Xhaferi says that apart from the fact that the country will be run by an Albanian prime minister for the last 100 days of the caretaker government, there is still a possibility that an Albanian prime minister will remain after the elections.

“We are talking about a political agreement of the majority for the last 100 days of the caretaker government to be led by an Albanian prime minister. It is a political agreement for co-governance in this term, which stipulates that in the last 100 days of this parliamentary composition, the caretaker government will be headed by an Albanian prime minister,” stressed Xhaferi.

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