VMRO-DPMNE to win a convincing victory in the upcoming elections, Hristijan Mickoski has a twice higher rating than Kovachevski


If elections are held next week, a convincing victory will be won by the party VMRO-DPMNE led by the politician with the highest rating, Hristijan Mickoski, shows the telephone annex conducted between November 5 and 9, 2023 for the needs of the Institute for Policy Research and Good Governance – Skopje.

In the survey in which citizens express their views on their support for political parties and politicians, 19.5% of respondents support the opposition party, while 12.6% believe that SDSM should continue to lead the country.

The research carried out on a representative sample of 1050 respondents also shows that Hristijan Mickoski has the highest rating among politicians. In the policies implemented by the leader of VMRO-DPMNE, 16.9% of the respondents see a way out of the situation we are in, or almost twice as many as believe in the current Prime Minister and SDSM leader Dimitar Kovachevski. Only 9.1% of respondents voted for Kovachevski.

It is interesting that his predecessor, Zoran Zaev, has lower confidence in this survey than Stevo Pendarovski. Zaev is still trusted by 1.5% of respondents, while a record 6.1% of respondents in this annex voted for Pendarovski, which represents perhaps the highest rating in the presidential career of this politician.

(Има табели во текстот)

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