Is the food police officers eat safe?


There were two consecutive food poisonings at the beginning of this month in companies that get their food supplies from Industry Service, the company that at the beginning of the year received two contracts of almost 13 million euros from Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski to supply food to two vital facilities of the Ministry of Interior, reported Radio Leader citing sources from the Food and Veterinary Agency (FVA).

On 02.11, three employees of the FAKOM company reported poisoning to their family doctors, and on the same day, six people from Feral Mechanics also reported poisoning, but in the Sistinahopsital. In both cases, the poisoned ate the same food supplied by Industry Service, which was spaghetti Bolognese, but after enormous pressure from political sources, the inspection concluded that the fault was not with the supplier, but with the client company, which allegedly stored the food improperly,” a source told Radio Leader.

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