In order for the dialogue to continue, Bulgaria will have to make certain concessions, says Micevski


VMRO-DPMNE has clearly drawn the red lines for the constitutional amendments and there is no deviation from that, says MP and coordinator of the VMRO-DPMNE MP group Nikola Micevski in an interview with
In the interview, Micevski discusses the relations with Bulgaria, dysfunctional institutions, but also talks about his childhood love – volleyball.
“We said that the public will be informed about all the moves that VMRO-DPMNE will make in the coming period. We have open issues, but in order for the dialogue to continue, which in my opinion is a two-way street, Bulgaria will also need to make certain concessions. These are the 14 judgments in the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, for which there is currently no reaction from Bulgaria,” said MP Micevski.

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