VMRO-DPMNE calls for elections without caretaker government and without DUI caretaker PM


The opposition VMRO-DPMNE called on the ruling SDSM to encourage elections without a caretaker government, but also without a caretaker prime minister from the ranks of DUI.
“DUI is the most criminalized structure in the country. There is no official from that party who is not involved in corruption. It is a shame for the country that the technical prime minister comes from their ranks.
The caretaker government has proven to be dysfunctional in the past. During the caretaker government, apart from dysfunctional institutions, the citizens get nothing else.
There can be elections in Macedonia without a caretaker government and without a caretaker prime minister from the ranks of DUI. SDS should only be encouraged and accept VMRO-DPMNE’s offer,” said the largest opposition party.

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