Macedonian police swiftly found a criminal wanted with an international warrant, says German BKA


The Federal Criminal Police Office of Germany – BKA sent a letter of thanks to the Public Security Bureau of our country on the occasion of last month’s quick finding and arresting of the 36-year-old German national P.D.R.

The case dates back to November 23, when on the Rudi Chaevac street in Skopje by police officers from the Department for International Police Cooperation-Department of Investigations, within the framework of the operational action “Harvest”, P.D.R from Wiesbaden, Germany  wanted on an international warrant for drug trafficking, was arrested.

The detained person is an accomplice in a group that transported narcotic drugs from Spain to Germany, with the aim of reselling them, and was also sentenced to three and a half years in prison, the Ministry of Interior informed.


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