Whatever boss Ahmeti says, servant Kovachevski accepts – Talat is unworthy of the PM post


Dimitar Kovachevski and SDS are minority partners in the government of DUI and Ali Ahmeti, they say in the party statement from VMRO-DPMNE. With his support for Talat Xhaferi to be caretaker prime minister, Kovacevski confirmed what VMRO-DPMNE has been saying for the past years, which is that he is ready to accept everything DUI and Ahmeti offer, just to continue shady business deals and crime, said VMRO-DPMNE on Monday.

“Talat Xhaferi is unworthy of the caretaker Prime Minister position. He cannot be expected to conduct fair and democratic elections, because as Parliament Speaker, he violated the Rules of Procedure and procedures, locked the door of the plenary session so that other MPs would not be allowed to speak, and thereby violated democracy. He cannot be PM because he deserted from the Macedonian Army in 2001,” said the largest opposition party.

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