VMRO-DPMNE Health Committee: Mexhiti did not lift a finger to solve the status of existing specialists, but boasts that he made specialties in Tetovo


The VMRO-DPMNE Health Committee received information that even in the Mother Teresa Clinic Center there are ready-made specialists who cannot get specialist status, due to the lack of promptness of the managers of the public health institutions and the Ministry of Health. We ask:

“Does Mexhiti have information about how many specialists with an unresolved status are in question? Why, although there is a shortage of specialists, no one is committed to solving this issue? We encourage Mexhiti to get to work and first engage in solving the status of the finished specialists, at the same time as he brags about opening new specialties in Tetovo, although he has done nothing to solve the status of the existing ones,” reads the opposition’s health committee’s post on Facebook.

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