Angelovska-Bezhoska: Denar deposits show growth of 11%, and foreign currency deposits of 3%, there is confidence in the domestic currency


The confidence of our citizens in the MK Denar can be seen through the latest data on deposits, according to which savings in domestic currency recorded an increase of 11%, while in foreign currency of 3%. The stability of the exchange rate of the Denar, which is a pillar of macroeconomic stability, can be seen through all indicators, the most important of which are the foreign exchange reserves, which are higher than the pre-pandemic period.

By the end of the year, it is expected that they will exceed four billion euros, mainly thanks to the positive movements in the foreign exchange market and the purchase of foreign currency by the central bank, the Governor of the National Bank Anita Angelovska-Bezhoska pointed out in an interview with TV24. She added that the growth rate of long-term savings is 27%, which is the highest growth in the last decade.

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