440 doctors passed the professional exam in 2023


In 10 exam sessions that were organized during 2023, a total of 440 physicians who meet the conditions for obtaining a work license passed the professional exam, informed the Medical Chamber of North Macedonia on Wednesday.
The greatest interest in taking the professional exam this year was in the December exam session, when 232 doctors of medicine passed.
The physicians, after completing medical school and internship, must take a professional exam within one year at the latest in order to obtain a work license. The organization of taking the professional exam is one of the competences of the Chamber, in addition to issuing licenses, maintaining the Register of Licenses, accreditation for continuing medical education and conducting professional supervision.
In 2022, 435 doctors of medicine passed the professional exam, in 2021, 350 received certificates for passing the professional exam, and in 2019, the number was 420.

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