Dashtevski: No chance that Kurti’s party will participate in the elections in Macedonia


The headof the State Election Commission (SEC) Aleksandar Dashtevski, in a statement for Republika.mk, says that there is no possibility for the Self-Determination party led by Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti to participate in the elections in North Macedonia.
Dashtevski explained the procedure of how to participate in the parliamentary elections, noting that a foreign party has no chance of being on the lists.
“A condition for participating in the elections is that they are Macedonian citizens and that they meet the legal conditions such as citizenship and residency. Without it, they cannot be registered in the Electoral List. A foreigner cannot participate in the elections, nor can foreign parties,” said Dashtevski.
Kurti’s Self-Determination party is not registered in Macedonia, nor is its branch, and thus it is impossible to participate in the elections in N. Macedonia, as announced by the Albanian opposition.

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