Ruling SDSM and DUI accused for discrimination against the Roma people


We are witnessing that in the eyes of the New Year’s holidays, aware of the defeat, the current government led by DUI and SDSM, wants to “legally” buy votes for the upcoming elections, said the Democratic Forces of the Roma (DSR) in a press release on Sunday.

“The job ads in almost all institutions do not stop one month before the formation of the technical government, where ethnicity is the main criterion. In addition to all the job ads in the past period, the most recent one where once again, after I don’t know how many times, the Roma and the jobs in the institutions that belong to the Roma have been humiliated and abused,” the DSR pointed out.

More specifically, an avalanche of reactions among the Roma and the entire public was caused by the publication of the advertisement of the state-owned company Macedonian Forests, where an advertisement was published for 12 workers belonging to the Albanian ethnic community in Berovo, where for the census in 2021 only 1 person declared himself to be a member of this community, on the other hand, there are at least 400 Roma, emphasize the DSR and ask why the “balancer” clause for fair ethnic representation is not applied.


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