More scandals than days in the new 2024, Chebren was cancelled, electricity prices went up, fights in the M-NAV, Ahmeti and Grubi throw parties


More scandals happened than days of the new 2024 have passed. First, 2024 started with higher electricity prices for citizens. While they are stealing, citizens will now pay more expensive bills by over MKD 400, VMRO-DPMNE said in a press release on Friday.
Second, the contract for the construction of HPP Chebren was terminated, because the SDS/DUI government changed the decision on the construction of the hydropower plant several times. Third, the air is still enormously polluted, the citizens breathe in poison, and the government, instead of taking immediate measures, convinces the citizens that it is just fog. Fourth, while at the beginning of the year Ali Ahmeti is holding parties in state institutions and singing songs, his people are handing out punches and slaps to air traffic controllers at the M-NAV, said the largest opposition party.

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