. Dutch ambassador seeks DUI’s support for the fight against corruption, says Osmani


Macedonian Minister of Foreign Affairs and DUI spokesperson Bujar Osmani believes that t Dutch Ambassador Dirk Jan Kop is seeking support from his party in the fight against corruption, because ‘DUI is one of those stakeholders that talk about the fight against corruption the most’.

“This has been a consistent position by the Embassy of the Netherlands, repeated in many interviews in the course of last year. DUI is probably one of those stakeholders that talk about the fight against corruption the most, and of course support will be sought from DUI. In my discussions with the Dutch Ambassador, we have come to see two essential conceptual differences. He thinks that we can reach a European rule of law standard even without EU accession negotiations. Some perceive this as a compliment but others as easing the enlargement pressure on the part of the EU. Some might say, ‘well, the Netherlands is known for its lack of enlargement enthusiasm’,” FM Osmani told the media.

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