Mickoski: The system is devastated and destroyed, this was seen at M-NAV where DUI members broke in and threatened the facility of strategic importance


What was happening in Macedonian Navigation (M-NAV), where thugs, members of the ruling DUI broke into the premises and practically threatened an object that is of strategic importance for Macedonia, only shows the devastation of the system, the destroyed system, which is not functioning at all, said VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski during his visit to the Municipality of Kisela Voda, asked by reporters to comment regarding the Criminal Court, which is supposed to make a decision Thursday on the complaint of the PPO about the intrusion into M-NAV.

The opposition leader added that what needs to happen is a change in the next parliamentary elections, a great victory for VMRO-DPMNE and to put an end to the devastated system, to start the system functioning slowly but surely, because the citizens need to restore their trust in it.

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