Traditional Vasilica dance canceled this year, Vevchani carnival symbolically held


Without the traditional Vasilica dance, with a minute of silence in the center of Vevchani, the people of Vevchani maintained the almost 15-century tradition of the famous Vevchani carnival, which this year, due to the tragedy in which a young boy from the village lost his life, was held symbolically.

Although in a smaller number than usual, the witty Vevchani residents in a satirical manner depicted some of the current events that have brightened the last year and the life of the Macedonian people.

Due to the tragedy, the death of former MP Krsto Mukoski’s son, the entertainment part of the event that was supposed to be held Saturday in the center of Vevchani has been cancelled. Some of the restaurants and cafes in the neighborhood are closed, and the rest are without music. Most of those present are guests, who did not know about the tragedy. The older residents of Vevchani do not remember such an accident on the eve of the Saint Vasilij’s Day.


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