Mandate holder should propose ministers for each ministry according to the Law on Government, we will announce our proposals by the end of the week, says Micevski


VMRO-DPMNE, in the context of the formation of a caretaker government and Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski’s statement that their seats will remain vacant until they back the caretaker government, points to Article 3 of the Law on Government, which, among other things, states that “the mandate holder proposes ministers for each of the ministries established by law and ministers without portfolio”. The opposition party has not yet made a decision on staff decisions in the Ministries of Interior, Labor and Social Policy and additional deputy ministers. For now, only a session of the Executive Committee of the party is announced for Wednesday.

The coordinator of the VMRO-DPMNE MP group Nikola Micevski evaluates such statements as “political amateurism” or “political dilettantism” because, as he emphasizes, the Constitution and laws are sufficiently precise and clear.

“The Law on Government is very clear, in Article 3 it is stated that “the mandate holder proposes ministers for each of the ministries established by law and ministers without portfolio”. And here we put a point and that is what the candidate for mandate should respect. We have not yet heard a statement from the candidate for mandate regarding this, but we can direct them to look at Article 3 of the Law on Government,” Micevski said.

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