O’Brien: All six Western Balkans countries should work together to become a part of Europe as soon as possible  


The EU’s growth plan is like no other plan before, because you don’t have to make reforms to be judged later, but they will allow faster access to the European common market. Each government of the six countries of the Western Balkans has agreed that they will work together so that the people of the region get real opportunities and become part of the EU as soon as possible, said U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James O’Brien, at a joint press conference with Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski on Monday, after a meeting of leaders from the region focused on the European Commission’s Growth Plan for the Western Balkans

“The USA always stands behind North Macedonia and supports North Macedonia. We are truly proud to be allies and to work with this Government which in its final days is hosting this important initiative. The EU Growth Plan is like no other plan we’ve seen before, because you don’t have to make reforms to be judged later, but if you make certain reforms then your companies and your people will very quickly enjoy the four freedoms of the EU – freedom of movement and the opportunity to work wherever you want, free movement of capital and services. That is the essence of the common market, so I am pleased to be here with Jan Koopman who designed this programme,” said O’Brien.

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