In which NATO country does the wife of the intelligence agency director receive foreign grants on topics related to the services’ work


The facts show a direct connection between NGOs and officials and a basis for an influence peddling procedure, the opposition VMRO-DPMNE pointed out on Sunday and asked the director of the Intelligence Agency, Erold Musliu, to answer where in the world and in NATO members there is an example when the wife of the director of the intelligence service receives foreign grants on topics related to terrorism that are the subject of the services’ work and security interest, that is, they are in direct connection.

The opposition also criticizes director Musliu for rejecting the attacks with his ethnicity (Albanian), even though his wife is Macedonian.

“It does not pass in public. This is a complete underestimation of the intelligence of the citizens. This is about a specific suspicion of abuse and trading in influence, very characteristic of the officials of this government of DUI and SDSM,” said VMRO-DPMNE.

We are talking about a case in which a consortium of NGOs led by Musliu’s wife, which also includes an NGO led by the wife of Finance Minister Fatmir Bytyqi, received a foreign grant worth 620,000 euros with the help of the Government.

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