Interior Ministry one of most open institutions in entire region, says survey


The top three most transparent, accessible, and efficient government institutions in 2023 were the Ministry of Defense, the Government, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, according to recently published findings of the Assessment of Good Governance of the Executive Power in N. Macedonia and the Region done by the Metamorphosis Foundation.

The Ministry of Defense met the Openness Index criteria 89.72 percent; the Government met the criteria 79.14 percent; and the Ministry of Interior met the criteria 78.9 percent, the release notes. This shows exceptional transparency of the Republic of North Macedonia’s institutions compared to the past and compared to the institutions in the region, where ministries meet less than half of the criteria: Montenegro 37.40 percent, Serbia 51.48 percent, Bosnia and Herzegovina 37.4 percent.

Transparency is an extremely important factor in the implementation of anti-corruption policies, the release adds. The proactivity of the institutions makes it possible that citizens, civil society organizations and media representatives receive information on the work of institutions more easily, quickly and efficiently.

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