Nikoloski: Main reason why Macedonia has not started EU negotiations is crime and corruption


I first said in the spring of 2018 that even if the dispute with the name Greece is resolved, as long as this government is in power, Macedonia will not start negotiations with the European Union. And so, today this government left, with a different prime minister, but the composition is more or less the same and SDSM and DUI, even in certain ministers, have been ministers all the time in this seven-year period, and I based this on the basis of credible information that I received and still receive them from several large centers that tell me that with this level of crime and corruption in Macedonia, Macedonia has no chance to start negotiations with the European Union. Or in the best case for Macedonia, I would start the negotiations and in three to six months I would get a veto because of crime and corruption and the lack of a functional rule of law system, and my thesis was based on that matter, says VMRO-DPMNE deputy leader Aleksandar Nikoloski in an interview with Alfa TV on Friday.

Nikoloski adds that the government has devastated the people for years by lying to them that they will enter the European Union and then, in the period when they claimed that Macedonia would not start negotiations with the union, they were actually going against the wind because there was a strong propaganda during that period that we have just not opened the gates of heaven, and VMRO-DPMNE was actually weak.


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