Ahmeti demands from Self-determination Movement to openly state whether it’ll participate in the elections


All the leaders of the major Macedonian-Albanian parties were in Prishtina Tuesday: Ali Ahmeti was interviewed by the Radio Television of Kosovo (RTK), and the three leaders from the opposition European Association for Change, Izet Mexhiti, Afrim Gashi and Bilal Kasami, as well as the leader of the ruling Alliance for the Albanians, Arben Taravari, were at a meeting with Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti.

The news that Arben Taravari is at the same table with the opposition European Association for Change with the Kosovo Prime Minister, and that the strengthening of the opposition front with the Alliance for the Albanians may be planned in Prishtina, brought back to the stage the question of the role of Self-Determination led by Kurti in the Macedonian elections. The leader of the Democratic Movement, Izet Mexhiti, who last year announced Self-Determination as the “fourth partner in the opposition European Association for Change”, explained on several occasions that Self-Determination is not a registered party in RNM and “de jure” cannot be a participant in the elections, but “de facto” will participate through party cadres who are also Macedonian citizens, such as, for example, Kurti’s advisor, Bekim Qoku.

The leader of the Democratic Union for Integration (DUI), Ali Ahmeti, in an interview for the Radio Television of Kosovo (RTK), spoke about the meeting between Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and the leaders of the opposition parties of the ethnic Albanians in North Macedonia. Ahmeti said Kurti should openly state if his party, the Self-determination Movement, would participate in the elections in North Macedonia, but he said he believes that the Albanians in the country don’t need many political parties.

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