56 new institutions have been established in 6 years – with directors, official cars and administrative offices, says Andonovski


The reform for the process of reorganization of the administration, which was announced back in 2017, is constantly hitting a wall. Here is the data that the Action Plan for the implementation of the strategy was implemented only 52%, which means that this Government implemented barely half of the reforms. In 2018, we have 1291 institutions in the public sector, of which 128 are state administration bodies. Today, after 7 years of “optimization and reorganization” by SDSM and DUI, we have 1346 institutions and 144 state administration bodies. These are 56 new directors of institutions that should not have been formed, 56 new deputies, 430 management and supervisory boards, in which there are 4,000 party soldiers who receive lump sums, new official vehicles and telephones, new premises, thousands of new jobs , pointed out Stefan Andonovski, deputy minister of the Ministry of Information Society and Administration, during an interview with MRT1.

Andonovski believes that the money that is spent on lump sums for management and supervisory boards should be spent on public administration employees who are in short supply.


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