NSPV: Ministry of Defense stopped the union’s membership fee payment and thus makes union activities impossible, protest in front of the Government soon


The Independent Union of Professional Soldiers (NSPV)informed Saturday that the Ministry of Defense has stopped the payment of the union’s membership fee, thus making it impossible for the union to act and organize.

The president of the Independent Union of Professional Soldiers, Aleksandar Naskovski, says that this procedure violates the collective agreement of the Ministry of Defense, the Law on Labor Relations and the Conventions signed by the state with the International Labor Organization.

The Minister of Defense publicly stated that the membership fee has been stopped by the services, i.e. the finance department in the Ministry of Defense, but did not say that they were deliberately misled by the illegal actions of seven employees of the Ministry of Defense, who made a forgery and falsely represented themselves and for whom the union filed a criminal complaint with the Basic Public Prosecutor’s Office. That’s why we appeal to the Skopje Basic Public Prosecutor’s Office to react swiftly and consider the criminal charges against these people who created chaos in the Ministry of Defense,” said Naskovski.

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