Scandal in the Ministry of Information Society: Decisions dated yesterday for illegal employment are being archived


Completely illegal, with pressures on employees in the archive of the Ministry of Information Society and Administration, decisions dated yesterday are being archived today in order to pass illegal employment before the announcement of the elections , the additional deputy minister of the Ministry of Information Society and Administration Stefan Andonovski from the ranks of VMRO-DPMNE informed in a press release.

“According to the law on archival operations, Article 15 of the Government’s Decree on office and archival operations, anti-dating of items (listing of items with an earlier date) is not allowed. All documents/records are sent by the registry office on the same day that it receives them signed or at the latest the day after the reception. I invite the Administrative Inspectorate and other competent institutions to enter the Ministry of Information Society and Administration and examine the logs from the DMS system when the documents were created, when they were filed and with what date they were filed. I guarantee that there will be responsibility – either now or after the elections,” said Andonovski.

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